Monthly Archives: December 2014

Are we there yet?

Short answer: no. This is the last update of 2014, and it seems a lot of people seemed to believe in a possible Christmas release. I don’t think we ever said anything about that or even hinted at such a possibility. The Koichoco translation is progressing, but still at a fairly slow pace. We’ll get there, just not as fast as many of you would like.

Just hold on to our “projected date” from the October post and you might be pleasantly surprised in 2015 (or not). I think I talked about it before, but maybe it was not the best decision to release our partial patch so early, especially with the knowledge we now have. But what’s done is done. We’ll do our best to bring you the full patch as soon as possible.

Here’s the translation progress for this month:

Common/Chisato: 18398/18398
Satsuki: 8334/8334
Michiru: 6547/6547
Isara: 5919/5919
Mifuyu: 5425/5425

Translation: 397/397 files
Editing: 317/397 files
QC: 207/397 files

Best wishes for 2015 and may it become a good year for visual novel enthusiasts!