Monthly Archives: March 2015

March update

It’s time for a March update, with some room for a few small staff role changes this time. Agent Lee has picked up and completed editing for the last portion of Michiru’s route, taking over from eltony who in turn will assist with TLC/QC for the files in question.

Apart from that there are no other changes to report. Editing has moved roughly 25 files ahead this month while QC finished 1 route and now moved on to the next. You can find the complete list below.

Common/Chisato: 18398/18398
Satsuki: 8334/8334
Michiru: 6547/6547
Isara: 5919/5919
Mifuyu: 5425/5425

Translation: 397/397 files
Editing: 369/397 files
QC: 217/397 files