Monthly Archives: December 2015

Hotfix patch for the “The Best” and DMM editions + what’s next

So it’s almost been a week since the release of the patch and we’ve received a lot of feedback about the game, including some technical issues. We’re sorry to hear that some of you are suffering from these technical issues after waiting so long for the patch, but thank you so much for all the reports, we appreciate it!

The first thing that I’d like to mention is that the original game officially only supports up until Windows 7. We aren’t sure about Windows 8 or Windows 10 support for those editions and can’t really help with issues on those platforms as we do not have such a setup at hand.

Our full patch supports these versions (VNDB) of the game for sure:
– First Press Limited Edition
– Regular Edition
– TV Animation Commemorative Special Edition (Memorial)

Those that did try to apply our patch to other versions like the DMM Download Edition and the “The Best” edition, ended up with missing files and a text-wrapping issue. Here are some instructions for you if you’re in that situation:

  • First, make sure you have either of these 2 editions. This fix won’t work on anything else.
  • Then, after applying our patch you’ll notice that some game files are missing.
  • Go into the “Backup” folder and copy over the .cct and .dcr files to your game’s root folder (No overwrite). Make sure to leave the SCN folder alone.
  • Add a “2” to the .cct and .dcr files that lack one.
  • Download this hotfix patch:!hlZShTKT!2OLZwp_X_4vtqFw17Ze6ub7Z-EDIgrFHzLdfEjNa9Bo
  • Extract these 2 files in your game’s root folder (with overwrite)
  • Run the game, your text should now wrap properly.

Now, this is only a hotfix and doesn’t apply any of our UI changes. I’ll see what I can do about that in the coming weeks, but no promises.

What’s next?

I won’t have much time left in December so I’m not sure if I can update the installer to better support the various other versions of the game around. But we’ve also received a lot of feedback about the game text. Reports about typos and mistakes have been flooding in from all sides, thank you all for your efforts!

We’ve been busy going over the feedback and fixing errors in the script where ever we could. An update patch will be released shortly with all these corrections, including some for Mifuyu’s route, which seems to have a few oversights left in it.

As always, I don’t have an exact date but just keep an eye out on the blog.