Author Archives: basicvntls

Status of Basic Translations moving on

Dear Visual Novel fans,

First of all, we would like to take the time to wish everyone a happy and healthy 2017!

Now as for the main reason for this post: After finishing Koichoco we tried to start another new project which is yet untitled (and unannounced as of yet). But unfortunately we now have decided to put that project on hiatus for an undetermined time. There’s just no more motivation (and/or time) to work on new projects. In that sense, it’s a good thing that the project was never announced.

We are still very satisfied with our finished project, and thanks for your support, patience and messages over the previous months. However, we’ll also be closing down our e-mail address and thus will no longer provide support for installation issues on our patch.

The website itself and the mirrors for the patch will remain. Hopefully a few more people will be able to enjoy this beautiful visual novel.

Note: If you are running into “Insert DVD” message while running the game, all you have to do is insert the game disc. The game needs it in the drive to run.

Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate English patch 1.1

I’m pretty sure that most of you remember that we said we would release an updated patch for Koichoco at some point in the future. Well, it’s finally here! Big thanks for lostmynic and binaryfail in particular for picking up the few final finishing touches and making this release possible.

This patch contains the following updates compared to the original 1.0 patch:
– Fixed Mifuyu route, the 1.0 patch had a slightly older version of the route included.
– Fixed a censored CG that was accidently included from the all-ages edition.
– Fixed several translation issues in all routes.
– Other typo and QC corrections in all routes.

Big thanks for all of you who reported bugs and typos to us. They should all be included in this update.

Windows 8 & 10

We also received a lot of questions from people trying to get the game running on WIndows 8 or 10. Some have no issues but others can’t get it work. Unfortunately we can’t really provide support for anything higher than Windows 7.

Supported game edition

All editions of the game should be supported (Regular, Limited ED, DMM, TV Memorial, The Best). But the support for the TV Memorial and The Best is limited. The story is fully translated but some pop-up messages and a few other minor things aren’t supported.

Installation instructions

We recommend using a fresh game install for our 1.1 patch, but it should work on installations that have our 1.0 patch installed as well. That is, if you kept the “Backup” directory that our installer made when you first installed it.

Download links

Mirror 1: Mega (OP)
Mirror 2: Uploaded (OP)
Mirror 3: Mediafire (OP)

We have no all-ages “safe” edition available for this 1.1 release.

Hotfix patch for the “The Best” and DMM editions + what’s next

So it’s almost been a week since the release of the patch and we’ve received a lot of feedback about the game, including some technical issues. We’re sorry to hear that some of you are suffering from these technical issues after waiting so long for the patch, but thank you so much for all the reports, we appreciate it!

The first thing that I’d like to mention is that the original game officially only supports up until Windows 7. We aren’t sure about Windows 8 or Windows 10 support for those editions and can’t really help with issues on those platforms as we do not have such a setup at hand.

Our full patch supports these versions (VNDB) of the game for sure:
– First Press Limited Edition
– Regular Edition
– TV Animation Commemorative Special Edition (Memorial)

Those that did try to apply our patch to other versions like the DMM Download Edition and the “The Best” edition, ended up with missing files and a text-wrapping issue. Here are some instructions for you if you’re in that situation:

  • First, make sure you have either of these 2 editions. This fix won’t work on anything else.
  • Then, after applying our patch you’ll notice that some game files are missing.
  • Go into the “Backup” folder and copy over the .cct and .dcr files to your game’s root folder (No overwrite). Make sure to leave the SCN folder alone.
  • Add a “2” to the .cct and .dcr files that lack one.
  • Download this hotfix patch:!hlZShTKT!2OLZwp_X_4vtqFw17Ze6ub7Z-EDIgrFHzLdfEjNa9Bo
  • Extract these 2 files in your game’s root folder (with overwrite)
  • Run the game, your text should now wrap properly.

Now, this is only a hotfix and doesn’t apply any of our UI changes. I’ll see what I can do about that in the coming weeks, but no promises.

What’s next?

I won’t have much time left in December so I’m not sure if I can update the installer to better support the various other versions of the game around. But we’ve also received a lot of feedback about the game text. Reports about typos and mistakes have been flooding in from all sides, thank you all for your efforts!

We’ve been busy going over the feedback and fixing errors in the script where ever we could. An update patch will be released shortly with all these corrections, including some for Mifuyu’s route, which seems to have a few oversights left in it.

As always, I don’t have an exact date but just keep an eye out on the blog.

Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate English patch 1.0

Last update

It’s been a long ride but it’s finally here, the 1.0 patch of our fan-translation for Sprite’s Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate (Or “Koichoco”). For us this marks the end of an enjoyable project that started small and simple, but ended being much more work than we originally expected. Something that eventually resulted in long waits between updates. Buuut, let’s not go there today, right now you’re probably only here for the patch.

Before I can give it to you however, there are a few small notes to make:

First I’d like to thank the entire team for all the work they put into the translation. Thank you for all of your precious free time out of your day-to-day schedules.

Second, I’d like to thank you all for the support over the years. I’m not sure the patch would’ve been released otherwise.

Next, we shouldn’t forget to thank Sprite for making this beautiful game. Make sure to support them whenever you can!

Lastly, we didn’t get to polish the patch as much as we would’ve liked. If I had a choice in the matter it would probably never be finished. Nonetheless, we are currently happy with the final result.


Now, as for compatibility of the patch; It’s at least compatible with the regular edition of the game as well as the TV Anime Special Edition (Memorial edition), though the latter will have several minor UI images untranslated.
It’s also compatible with our previously released partial patch.


The patch will come with an automatic installer that you’ll only need to point to your game’s installation directory. It’s recommended to run the installer over a fresh installation of Koichoco and to make a backup before you do so (no whining if you didn’t listen.)

Known issues

We’re aware of several images on the extras screen that aren’t fully translated, but other than that you should be ready to go.


We didn’t get to do a full all-ages version for you this time but there is a “Safe” version available that has all of the h-scenes removed, but nothing else. So there might be minor nudity in other CGs and the extras screen is left untouched.

Download links

Here are the links, and enjoy the game!

*UPDATE* Patch 1.1 is now out. Go here to download the updated version.

Full patch
Full patch (“Safe”)

Full patch
Full patch (“Safe”)

Full patch
Full patch (“Safe”)

P.S. Make sure to read the updated FAQ
P.P.S. We ask that you do not include our patch with any illegal versions of the game.

Wrapping up

After two months it’s time for a quick update. As you may have noticed the posts for the Koichoco project have been further and further apart. I can no longer bring up the motivation to do much more work on the script. It’s not all that perfect yet and there are still in things that need polishing. But with the first thing in mind, it’s time to wrap this up soon.

The plan for this month is to get the latest state of the translation ingame, wrap it in a nice and easy one-click installer, and bring you the patch. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll be released this month (if we find any major issues for example), but it does mean that there will be no more major changes.

Thank you all for your patience and apologies for the lack of updates.

P.S.: There have been reports that the MEGA links for the partial parts stopped working. I’ve updated the partial patch post with new fresh links.

Let’s keep this trend going, shall we?

Here’s another end of the month update for you. Though I’ll keep it short this time. Most of this month’s progress has come from the days at the start of the month and because of that we’ll probably end up with slightly less files done at the end of September. So don’t expect a release just yet, but we’re getting closer for sure.

Common/Chisato: 18398/18398
Satsuki: 8334/8334
Michiru: 6547/6547
Isara: 5919/5919
Mifuyu: 5425/5425

Translation: 397/397 files
Editing: 397/397 files
QC: 340/397 files

It’s still July

The 31st of July still counts as July right? If so then I’m in time for the July update on Koichoco progress. With the addition of Jon to our team we’ve had good progress on QC in the latter part of June and the beginning of July. We’re now close to the final 100 files left to enter QC

As for myself, I just returned from a short vacation and with editing done it’s now up to me to check if the final text still matches with the intended translation. After that it’ll be time to dust off that installer and get it compatible with the new files and different editions of the game. (Hopefully without too many bugs, don’t want to be the cause of save data disappearance for example -_-)

Anyway, in short. I’m happy with the progress we’ve seen this month. Though I can’t promise I’ll have the August update ready for you in time …


Common/Chisato: 18398/18398
Satsuki: 8334/8334
Michiru: 6547/6547
Isara: 5919/5919
Mifuyu: 5425/5425

Translation: 397/397 files
Editing: 397/397 files
QC: 294/397 files

P.S. People have been asking if our release will be compatible with the “The Best” edition release of Koichoco. Unfortunately I can’t provide a clear answer to that, the edition I personally own is a different one and I don’t want to buy a new one just to test the patch with it. Our patch will at least be made compatible with the First Press- and Regular editions, as well as the TV Anime edition. That’s all I can say for now.

June update for Koichoco

Here’s our update post for June. Since we didn’t post an update last month we’ve been getting a few questions whether the project is still alive. And yes, it is, I don’t plan on abandoning it now that it’s at this stage. Nor do any of the other current team members.

Also, you might be wondering what’s taking so long since it’s mainly stuck in the “QC stage” right now. We do not intent to release a half-assed translation so it’s taking some time to polish the routes. Making the story read well as a whole takes time and we’re looking at each scene to see if they read right and fit properly in the context.

So to perhaps speed that up a little we’ve added Jon to our team. He’ll be helping us with this final stage of the process. So welcome Jon!

As for myself, I’m in charge of taking care of TLC requests I get from the editors/QCs, as well as reading the routes once they’re “finished”. In which I must admit, have been slacking a bit.

Motivation can be an issue if you’re already occupied with a full-time job during the week. It doesn’t leave much time to work on VN-related “hobby” things (Or play them). But as I said, we’ll get the translation out for sure.

It’s a bit hard to give an exact status update of where we so don’t hold too much value to the exact progress numbers down below. At least 2 out of the 4 remaining routes are fairly far into the process while the other 2 still need quite some work.

Oh and one last thing, a missed update post is not the end of the project.


Common/Chisato: 18398/18398
Satsuki: 8334/8334
Michiru: 6547/6547
Isara: 5919/5919
Mifuyu: 5425/5425

Translation: 397/397 files
Editing: 397/397 files
QC: 230/397 files

April update

It’s time for the April update on our Koichoco translation. This month Agent Lee nearly finished the last of the remaining files that were waiting for an editing pass. And with the end of editing in sight we can focus on QC, polishing up lines where we messed up. Mind you, there’s still plenty of work but we’ll try to actually wrap things up instead of doing too many passes.

Still can’t give you an ETA but hopefully we can keep up the pace.


Common/Chisato: 18398/18398
Satsuki: 8334/8334
Michiru: 6547/6547
Isara: 5919/5919
Mifuyu: 5425/5425

Translation: 397/397 files
Editing: 390/397 files
QC: 217/397 files

March update

It’s time for a March update, with some room for a few small staff role changes this time. Agent Lee has picked up and completed editing for the last portion of Michiru’s route, taking over from eltony who in turn will assist with TLC/QC for the files in question.

Apart from that there are no other changes to report. Editing has moved roughly 25 files ahead this month while QC finished 1 route and now moved on to the next. You can find the complete list below.

Common/Chisato: 18398/18398
Satsuki: 8334/8334
Michiru: 6547/6547
Isara: 5919/5919
Mifuyu: 5425/5425

Translation: 397/397 files
Editing: 369/397 files
QC: 217/397 files